Countdown to Christmas

A very festive hello to you my dear readers,
I don't know about you all but for us students it feels extremely wonderful to escape university lectures and regroup with family as this term has gone quickly yet managed to drag its feet as well. 

I am a great admirer of Christmas and the cheer that has accompanied it has been a welcome change from the doom and gloom of assessments etc. I'm trying to focus on this aspect rather than the approaching end of yearness that it feels I'm being rushed towards. 

However putting all this aside lets take a look at all the fun festive things I have been up to that made the end of term busy but very very lovely! A true test of how many Christmas meals you can fit into 2 weeks. The answer 5!

1. Pizza, Cocktails, and Friends 
 Two weeks ago I had returned from Northern Ireland after finding it very hard to leave family it was nice to return to Sheffield with lots of fun things to do. Unfortunately my decision to reward myself for surviving a full 9-4 day of uni (with no usual lunch break due to training for work) with pizza proved bad as it was to be a week full of food- particularly pizza. On Tuesday i headed out with Nicola to the sold out English Society Christmas Party at Bloo 88. 

This was served buffet style and was a super occasion to get dressed up, see friends and make some new ones. 

We also appreciated the barmans' skill with cocktails even if we didn't understand his sense of humour at all. A raffle, candy cane gift and a comfy sofa to sit on so the heels didn't hurt too much made it a perfect evening to kick off the celebrations.

Wednesday saw another trip to Bloo88 to hang out with my lovely EngSoc netball girls and it was superb to hangout in a more elegant fashion than our usual sweaty attire and actual get a chance to chat. This chat being more than just shouting sporting encouragement and talking tactics. Managed to avoid pizza with a dough ball starter and waffle dessert (good decisions) and I was sad to leave such a wonderful night early.

The food and friend element of the week culminated in a lovely end to the SCM calendar with a Christmas social at interval. It was special to celebrate the term together in the wonderfully decorated university establishment and get another chance to wear a Christmas jumper.

The days passed quickly in a bit of a blur of food, friends and festivities but each moment was one to treasure as it reminded me how many lovely people I know and it was fun to do something different than the normal uni week although my wallet didn't necessarily appreciate it :-P

2. Gifts, Gatherings, and Goings-outs
The countdown continued with last minute Christmas shopping (STRESSFUL) then a special chance to hang out with Gemma and have a night out...To the cinema! We made curry and went to see the last hobbit film. This is a film everyone should go see. wonderful score, a fitting ending and many tears as well as laughs were experienced. Made even better by homemade Christmas Pudding Ice Cream at the Showroom, yum! 

More Christmas fun with the flat, dominos, and Christmas quizzes complimented the mixture of gatherings the week had experienced. When your secret Santa gift acknowledges your heritage such as a Christmas Baked Potato you know you're a lucky girl.

One of my favourite gatherings had to be the countinued tradition of the English Lit gang's Christmas Curry and Film night. To watch Elf (which I hadn't seen since being forced to in primary school) and catch up with friends was the perfect way to end a busy semester in which we hadn't met up that much. It was a real gift.

3. See you soon and Slowly filling up the bag 
However as the days drew to an end time started to be filled with parting words and lots of hugs. I was excited to see my family but to say 'see you soon' to my Sheffield family was hard as 4 weeks is a long time to be apart. 
Then all that was left was to make an interesting last meal from what was left in my fridge and pack every single one of my Christmas jumpers into a bag. The countdown was getting even closer to the end. But I had enjoyed the counting!

What have you been up to in your countdown to Christmas? Have you resisted finishing off the advent calendar? Let me know.

This has been a bit of rambling blogpost but I thought it was good to summarise some of the highlights of the past week and remind me that in all this busyness it's the people I get to share time with that is the best part.

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas wherever you end up spending it and treasure those you share it with. 

Much figurative love, 
Meg x


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