Looking Another Way (Lyrical Sustenance)

Early Morning Greetings to you my dear readers,

It has been a whirlwind week since I last posted here and despite all that has been going on I have some how managed to hand in both of my essays and on Thursday reached some degree of freedom. However this has meant that my mind has had far too much time to be distracted by melancholy and dwell on recent devastating events which is a lack of mental freedom.

Yet in some ways I am endeavouring to seek the happier parts of life and allow myself moments of distraction from myself.

This endeavour has been particularly assisted by a friend of mine who this week has reminded me that who I am does not disappear because of what life requires me to go through and whilst it changes me I remain someone with good qualities. I'm going to try and see myself through those eyes a bit more.

Also I know my blog has been full of a lot of negativity these few weeks (life reflects art eh?) but I would like to share with you some happy thoughts too to create more of a balance. This week in amongst everything I have attended an Alumni Fund Celebration Event on account of a scholarship that I receive and it was a really special night to be able to thank those people who have enriched my university more than I can ever adequately express. I feel so blessed to go to a university where a spirit of generosity and community is so prevalent!

Furthermore upon finishing my essays I got to celebrate with friends and actually socialise which is a pretty rare occasion for me since assessments meant either being attached to my laptop alone or curled up at home hiding from life with Nicola whilst watching Adventure Time. This socialising involved trying out a new game called Cards Against Humanity with some flatmates and friends and this provided much hilarity (showed internet procrastination purchases are worthwhile too!) and I think my ribs still haven't truly recovered from that laughter.

 I managed to make time to see the latest instalment of The Hunger Games with some of the English lit gang on Friday and this was really lovely as I hadn't made it to the cinema for ages and because we went to the Showroom I had some tasty homemade ice cream that enriched an already fantastic film. You should all go see it! Friends are the best and it was nice to spend some time in town too soaking up the festive atmosphere as the Christmas market is now up. Temptation to purchase was at an all time high but I managed to retain a relative degree of restraint.

Other highlights were Pilates with Jess  yesterday which left me refreshed and revitalised as I try to get back on the exercise wagon. Hanging out with Tom and some friends to watch Man Utd some how manage to beat Arsenal was also good banter in its own tense way and I didn't skewer anyone at darts which is always a plus! I also have musical delights to look forward to as I'm going to see Echo and The Bunnymen play at Leadmill on Wednesday (my Dad taught me well with my musical upbringing!) and managed to break through my ticket-purchasing slump in order to score tickets to see the Foo Fighters in May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still really excited about this. And will be so for the next 6 months!

There's probably things I have forgotten to mention but these were the things that really stood out for me and taught me that life is really a question of what you choose to focus your eyes on . So I'm going to try and choose the good stuff now for a while and see how that goes.

In the meantime lyrics and music are always a good distraction.They take you back to moments, block out others and always are constant in a world where so much changes. So enjoy this treat from Mr Dave Grohl and Co.


Maybe not the most positive lyrics but it does remind me to make the most of things and this song is just immense. 

Much love and fictional hugs,
Megan xxx

P.S What music do you find solace in?


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