Body Image and Beating Bulimia
Hey my lovelies, Long-time no blog post I know. I’ve got about 5 drafts of posts I’ve been working on, many things I want to say, and at times not the words to say them all. But we’ll get there. Promise. As usual I’ve broken my blogging break to write about mental health, which is something I feel more verbose about than any other topic. I’ve blogged a lot about mental health issues in the past (you can check out the relevant posts here , here , here and here ), raising awareness of issues and trying to beat the stigma around mental health. In short to start, and be part of, an ongoing conversation which affects every single one of us. *TRIGGER WARNING: The majority of the blog post contains reasonably detailed discussion of bulimia, self-harm, and eating disorders which some may find triggering* During the time since Observations of a Fictional Girl came into being as a blog I have shared part of my personal experiences with mental health problems in my life so far...