More Au Pairing Updates and The 8th Alphabetical Instalment
Ciao my lovely blog readers, I hope this blog post finds you well and relaxed as summer should be a time for a little peace and quiet when you can get it. I can't quite believe I'm sitting down writing this August orientated post. How on earth is it August already??? Where has this long time off that university studies gives me gone? And as tomorrow is the 13th August it makes sense to mark a month of me being in Italy with another catch up. The past month has flown by and dragged in equal measure so siting down and realising I only have 26 days left in the country of my soul is one that arouses a vast variety of emotions. On the one hand I feel like time is running out when I've finally started to get settled here and there's still so much I want to do BUT I'm also looking forward to a change of place, an escape of Mosquitos, a mental break and return to familiar places. And the continual emails about reading lists and preparations for my last year of unive...