Growing Out
Ciao my darlings, I hope this blog post finds you well and warm after another week of cold weather. Us Sheffielders have been enjoying another bout of snow and it was so beautiful that I couldn't even be angry at it for making me get up earlier to make it into my Woody Allen exam on time. It also offered a lovely backdrop to catching up with my friend Shelby. Seriously gorgeous Sheffield SO MUCH SNOW!!!! This past week has been a whirlwind of revision and desperation yet somehow I managed to fend off the panic and reach a zen state. Remembering the comment of a good friend of mine: "Why do you even worry? Seriously? SERIOUSLY???" definitely helped my worry be more focused at least. Also I had several of good things happen in the busyness of the week that meant I couldn't give over to my desire to hide in bed and not come out until next semester. Celebrated my first exam being over with a tasty snack :) Firstly I had a counselling session wi...