Chapter The Second (Part One): Responsibilities, Routines and A Really Late Blog post
Hello there readers, It's been a while since I proffered my internal musings up to the internet and to you lovely folk. I apologise for my lateness. When I last wrote- over two weeks ago- I was just settling back into life at Sheffield and left you with the tantalising promise of a post the next week regarding my thoughts on first year and surrounding the start of my second year at university.... Then life, as it so often does, pressed the fast forward button. My free time evaporated and stress levels hit maximum and this was all before I started back at university. It's my first day back today and thus I'm grabbing a moment in my 9-4 Monday timetable to update you all as well as send my apologies for the lack of posts these past few weeks. However I believe it is true that if you don't take time to live life you won't have anything to write about so I offer this my humble excuse and promise a special bumper edition of the Observations of a Fictional Girl blo...