Ten things for ten years: World Mental Health Day 2019
Hey everyone, Long time no post eh? Two years in fact. Wow. Where's that time gone? It's nice to be back, filling the screen with words and sharing time with you all. As some of you may have guessed I'm back because of one reason and that's what drove the creation of this blog post in the first place: Mental health. I started this blog five years ago and have been posting sporadically since because I wanted to try and explore my journey with mental ill health and share that journey with others. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done, pressing that "publish" button and sharing my facts, my fractured self with the world, those I loved, and those I didn't even know. I wasn't fictional for a moment, I was entirely the most raw exposed version of myself, and I'm so glad I decided to be. Because it's okay not to be okay. And I had to learn that, a really f***ing hard way (I'm still learning that) and I wanted to share that wit...